Covered Services & Products
The best way to beat breast cancer is to detect it early. If you’ve been putting off scheduling a mammogram because you don’t have insurance, or the insurance you do have won’t cover the entire expense, we’ll cover the out-of-pocket expense for you. We work directly with Barron County mammogram providers… just ask them to bill Pink Ribbon Advocacy, Inc. for your portion of the expense. Please, schedule your appointment right away!
Whether it’s insurance premiums, deductibles, office-visit co-pays, or prescription drug costs, we can help keep breast cancer from devastating your family’s budget. Whenever possible, we’ll pay the provider directly: if you’ve already paid for it, send us proof of payment and we’ll reimburse you.
Travel Expenses
We don’t want the cost of transportation to limit your treatment options. If you need to travel out of town for treatment, we can help you with the cost of gas, and even hotel costs if overnight travel is required. Gasoline will be paid for in the form of gift cards or vouchers from local gas stations. Since most hotels require a credit card, we’ll reimburse you for necessary hotel expenses you incur as part of your treatment.
If it will help you in dealing with your breast cancer, we’ll try to help you get it. Whether it’s a wig, prosthetic breast, mastectomy bra, physical therapy supplies, hospice or home health care supplies, counseling, coaching or health-club membership, let us know what you’d like, and we’ll do what we can to help you out. We can also help with the cost of daycare for dependents while you're at appointments/treatment. If you have a need associated with treatment, please ask--we'll help if possible!
Wigs, Medical Devices, Others