Pink Ribbon Advocacy, Inc.

Supporting you in your fight against breast cancer.

Pink Ribbon Advocacy, Inc. provides financial assistance to Barron County (WI) residents to help cover uninsured expenses associated with receiving breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Donations & Memorials


General donations and gifts in honor or memory of a loved one are always welcomed. Please include a note or notation in the memo line indicating who you are honoring or memorializing. If you would like a receipt for your donation or a card acknowledging a memorial, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Checks should be made payable to Pink Ribbon Advocacy, Inc. and mailed to our treasurer:

Pink Ribbon Advocacy, Inc.
c/o L.M. Janty
2071 9 1/2 St
Cumberland WI 54829

To make a donation via credit card, click below.

Thank you!