Contact Us
We're an all-volunteer organization, and as such, have no office or office hours. To apply for funds, please complete the form below. To contact us, email or leave a message at 715.602.3483. Pink Ribbon Advocacy cannot provide diagnostic or medical advice; if you have a medical question or concern, please contact your medical professional or Barron County Public Health at 715.537.6580.
Fund Application Form
To be considered for financial assistance, we need to know a little about you and your circumstances. This information will not be shared with anyone outside Pink Ribbon Advocacy.
We can help individuals living in Barron County (or those living nearby who receive medical services in Barron County) up to $3000/year. If your need is greater, please include info in the Comments section, send an email to or write to us at the address below.
If you're uncomfortable sending this information over the internet, print this page, complete the information and mail to our service coordinator (address below) instead of hitting "submit."
If you've received products/services that have not yet been paid for, please send the invoice (include your contact info and a note stating that you've submitted an online form) to the address below.
If the product or service has not yet been purchased (because you're waiting for funds), please include that info in the Comments section.
If you've already paid for the product or service and are seeking reimbursement, please attach your receipt showing payment and mail to the address below.
Mail Invoices/Receipts to:
Pink Ribbon Advocacy, Inc.
2071 9 1/2 St
Cumberland WI 54829