Pink Ribbon Advocacy, Inc.

Supporting you in your fight against breast cancer.

Pink Ribbon Advocacy, Inc. provides financial assistance to Barron County (WI) residents to help cover uninsured expenses associated with receiving breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.


About Pink Ribbon Advocacy

It all started when...

A group of friends from the Rice Lake (WI) Curling Club created CURL FOR A CURE as their attempt to “do what they could” to help in the fight against breast cancer. The first Curl for a Cure was held in October of 2002 and it far exceeded their expectations, raising over $13,000. Because no avenue existed to use this money to assist local breast cancer patients, the money was donated to The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The second Curl for a Cure was even more successful, and most of those funds went to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

The group still wanted to help local breast cancer patients with this fundraiser, and Pink Ribbon Advocacy, Inc. (PRA) was created. With residual funds from Curl for a Cure #2 and a generous grant from 3M Corporation, Articles of Incorporation were drawn up and filed, and a Board of Directors was established. Pink Ribbon Advocacy, Inc. was granted 501 (c) 3 Charitable Organization status. With funds from a wildly-successful Curl for a Cure #3 in 2004, PRA was ready to begin helping women in Barron County with uninsured mammogram expenses and incidental expenses associated with receiving breast cancer treatment.

Pink Ribbon Advocacy, Inc. is a true grass-roots organization. As we have no office location nor any employees (thus none of the expenses), phone calls go to a voice-mail system and are responded to by board members, mail goes to our treasurer's house. Information is shared among the board members via email, and meetings are held on an as-needed basis. If you have any questions or comments for us, email us at and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.