Welcome to Curl for a Cure—Covid-19 Edition! Since we cannot come together safely in person, we are asking you to continue your support of the event and Pink Ribbon Advocacy by participating in our virtual Curl for a Cure… or Walk, Run or Care (for a Cure). We’ll send you a cool t-shirt for your efforts! The t-shirts are unisex, short-sleeve, crew necks.
Enroll here and pledge to do one—or more—of the following. Post a picture on our Facebook event as you complete your “event” so we can share in the fun!
CURL a game if you have ice at your home club. Dress in pink, wear an art bra on the outside of your clothes, don a pink tutu, or be as outlandish as you would be at Curl for a Cure! Just please, be safe!
RUN or WALK a personal 8K… one kilometer for each end of a curling match. For those challenged by the metric system, that’s 4.971 miles.
RUN or WALK 2 miles… that’s about how far you travel during an 8-end curling match if you’re a front-end sweeper! Complete on your own, or with a group of friends (socially distanced, of course!).
Show a friend or family member that you CARE… encourage her to schedule a mammogram and/or give her a ride to her appointment (and don’t forget about your own appointment!).
Shirts will be available for local pick-up or shipping (included in price) around 11/20/20.